Monday, June 22, 2009

Fathers Day

Olivia's first visit to our ward happened to be an important sunday, father's day. She got to meet all the other newborns in the ward, and there are actually a bunch with even more on the way. She slept during most of sacrament and did well in primary with Brodie and I. We made Daddy a big chocolate cake for Daddy's day.


Melanie Hanni said...

Oh my goodness she has filled out so well, and so beautiful, what a father's day gift. You make a great daddy and of course mommy. Can't wait to see you all soon. I checked into a webcam, still not sure which one I should get, the one Wal-mart had was about $50, I'll talk to dad. Were headed to Manti this weekend. love Mom

Derek and Laressa Hanni said...

Hey I know I asked you before but my mom was wondering what your guys camera was??

Marianne & Clayton said...

Ok. The picture of her kissing Brodie is killing me. Killing. Me.
I love her.