Olivia's first visit to our ward happened to be an important sunday, father's day. She got to meet all the other newborns in the ward, and there are actually a bunch with even more on the way. She slept during most of sacrament and did well in primary with Brodie and I. We made Daddy a big chocolate cake for Daddy's day.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Fathers Day
Olivia's first visit to our ward happened to be an important sunday, father's day. She got to meet all the other newborns in the ward, and there are actually a bunch with even more on the way. She slept during most of sacrament and did well in primary with Brodie and I. We made Daddy a big chocolate cake for Daddy's day.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Salmon Season Is Here
Young Love
They grow up so fast. When we were in Idaho last, we stopped by to see our friends Shane and Heidi. They have a new little boy named Colson, and lets just say he was putting the moves on little Olivia. In fact, they tried to put him to bed when we were there, and he was not down with that. He wanted to stay up past 8 to hang out with Liv. Who knows, maybe Colson will be Olivia's first date when she is sweet sixteen. It was good to see Shaney and Heidi; they are really good friends.
Hello Dad
I came home from work on Tuesday excited to hold my little girl. She proceeded to say hello by spitting up all over me. She is getting her first scolding in the picture. Ok maybe I thought it was cute and had Ashley take a picture. I seem to be the one on the receiving end of whatever is coming out of her, maybe that is one of Dad's duties.
Let's Go See The Fam
I think my Mom was very excited to see us; she even gave us their room to sleep in. Mom is always helping and serving others; she is a good example. It was also the first time for Taylor and Briannia and the boys to see the baby. They seemed to get along well. On the way home, Liv told us that they were pretty cool. Because Liv had slept all day Thursday, she had a rough night. I made fun that she sounded like Steven Tyler from Aerosmith with her screaming. You know I could see her in a big hair band; she has got some vocals.
We got the work done that we needed, relaxed and ate with my family (like we always do at my parent's place), oh ya and did I mention broke the law... We spotted some poor innocent ant piles on the back patio, and Dad informed us that he had bought some firecrackers in Wyoming that week. We brought Jaxon and Kannon out to participate in the Idaho boy ritual of blowing up ant piles with small explosives. Dad also pulled out the soup cans. You fill the larger can with a couple inches of water and poke a firecracker size hole in the top of the smaller can. Dad would stick a cracker in the hole, place it in the water, and light the fuse. It would shoot the can high into the air. The boys loved it. The funny things is, I remember doing this when I was a little kid with Dad.
Olivia worked as a good center piece for dinner. She was a little out of it after all of the Dr Pepper.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Weekend With Family
Derek called me mid week and said that they wanted to drive up to see the baby. They drove up Saturday and went home Sunday. It was a really short trip, but we were sure glad to see them. We went to dinner at Cracker Barrel, Olivia's first trip to a sit down restaurant. She did pretty good. We tested out our baby bike trailer on Jenntry; she seemed to like it. We also took baby J to the carousel and castle toy downtown by the river. She really liked the carousel.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Shower Fun
Hike To Morell Falls
We thought we should introduce Liv and Grandma to one of our favorite hikes close to Missoula. Morell Falls is by Seeley Lake. The hike has just got a few hills, and it is probably a little over 1.5 miles one way. Liv was fussy at the beginning, and then she calmed down and slept for most of the hike. Ashley did a great job too; she is getting around better and recovering well.
After the long hike, we treated ourselves to take out chinese. I accidently ordered enough food for 6 people, but we handled it well. Liv has a hard time grabbing things now, but she was able to play with the fortune cookies in the wrappers. Her brain was telling her hands to put the cookie in her mouth, but she just couldn't quite get it.