Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Long Day of Church and Pig Tails

What happens when your daughter has had a long day of church with pig tails. Well by the end the pig tails don't make it. Although, it does make your baby look like this.

Still happy after a long day.
On a side note. Church has gone so much better the past couple of Sundays. Olivia made it all the way through Sacrament in our pew. Big step. Well she had to go out once but was so upset we went out she threw a tantrum and went back to daddy. After that she did pretty good. It was so nice. The rest of Sunday went good. I just can't wait until she can be in nursery. I think she feels the same. So much fun and so many cool toys!


Brittany said...

Wow. She is getting so big. She looks like a little girl in some of those pictures and not like a baby!

Megan Sorenson said...

I like it, it's got volume:) She's so cute!

Eric and Sara said...

well, that it some pretty cute Utah hair! I used to wear mine like that! She'd fit right in! (no offense to Utah friends. I'm a Utah girl myself!) :)