Sunday, December 27, 2009

Smile for your Rectal Exam

Poor little Olivia, she has been sick lately with a cold. It is hard to see her so sick and really not be able to do much for her. Her nose is constantly runny and she has a bad cough. Yet, even when you can tell she is feeling horrible, she tries to be smiley. She is a good sport. Well momma, has to be monitoring Liv's temperature, and says the best way to take it is rectally. I tell her to quit torturing the poor girl. Maybe it's me, but it sounds unpleasant. I snapped this picture when Mom was about to take her temperature; Liv sure seemed pretty happy for what was taking place. Look at mean old Momma just laughing before the procedure. I had to laugh when one of the times when Ash was taking her temperature Liv shot the thermometer back out. That's my girl.

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