Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thomas Family Photos

Thomas Family Photos. Here are a few of my family photos we took last year on vacation in Las Vegas. Unfortunately Brodie was unable to make the trip due to work. So besides Brodie missing this is the whole Thomas Clan, that's including 2 bro-in-laws. It was pretty funny using my tripod and the camera's timer and then running into every photo. Exhausting but it seemed to work. By the way Mom my co-worker thought you were my sister and not my Mom. What a complement!

After the indoor shots we took a trip outdoors for more pics. I don't like them as much. It was realy bright and there was a lot of squinting going on. I did love these jumping photos though. We were all laughing really hard by the end of it all.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

I love that we're purple in the last one! See ya soon.