Sunday, September 20, 2009

We Got a Roller!

I have been watching a little Sunday football while the girls were having their Sunday nap. Olivia is still dressed in her cute striped church dress, and she has been so talkative and full of energy today. I took her to Sunday school with me for the first time. Brother Moss handed me a paper to read in his lesson, and Olivia decided to read it. She was talking baby talk/cooing during most of the lesson. She didn't need her binkie, but I would give it to her so she wouldn't be so noisy. I think most of the others that were there thought she was being cute, and they didn't mind. She actually spent the last hour with Christine Knecht in the nursery. Christine really likes her, and Olivia does just fine with others.

After dinner Ashley was playing with Olivia on the front room floor, a little tummy time. Olivia rolled over from her belly to her back for the first time! I know it doesn't seem like a big deal, but this is the first time she has done this. She has gone mobile. We will definitely have to be more careful where we put her so she doesn't have a fall. We had another first time today; Olivia watched Star Wars with Daddy for the first time today. I remember watching all three of the originals with my family when I was growing up. We would often watch them on Sunday. She especially liked the Ewoks - the little fury midgets.


Sarah Turpin said...

She is getting so big! Boyce loved the video. He just kept saying "baby" in his high pitched voice and then would say "more!" when it was all over

Melanie Hanni said...

Oh she is getting so big so fast, can hardly wait to see her again. Love Mom